In a 13th century biography of St. Hedwig written by her contemporary, it was said, “Because this servant of God never neglected the practice of all good works, God also conferred on her such grace that when she lacked human means to do good, and her own powers failed, the divine power of the sufferings of Christ strengthened her to respond to the needs of her neighbors. And so through divine favor she had the power to relieve the bodily and spiritual troubles of all who sought her help.” Having celebrated St. Hedwig’s Feast this past week, I continue to be confident in the intercession and protection of all our patron saints!

I am delighted to welcome Bishop Joseph Williams to our parish this weekend as he solemnly dedicates our altar at St. Hedwig Church this Saturday evening at the 4:00 pm Mass. The altar, which was fabricated to match the historic ‘high’ altar was made in memory of Fr. Don Schwalm. The ambo which is also being blessed this weekend was made in memory of Fr. Ted Guminga. Both priests generously served St. Hedwig for many years. Our new baptismal font is also being blessed and we look forward to many baptisms taking place in the years to come.

I express my gratitude to all who donated to these various projects several years ago, thanking them both for their generosity and for their patience in seeing it all come to fruition! St. Hedwig herself was a generous patroness of the church who was deeply committed to the work of beautifying the sanctuaries of God’s churches. It was amazing to walk into the massive Cistercian Abbey in western Poland that she and her husband had built and see her lasting legacy. Very often in art she is shown cradling a small church building which is symbolic of the Abbey Church where she is now buried.

I also want to thank those who helped organize and serve the reception at St. Hedwig to mark this momentous occasion, again imitating our patronesses’ spirit of hospitality and welcoming kindness. It is always a special grace to have a Bishop with us for Mass, but especially Bishop Williams who has a great love and zeal for the City of Minneapolis where he served for many years as pastor of St. Stephen’s Parish. I fondly recall the occasion a couple of years ago when he was with us for our Solemn Closing of Forty Hours and spoke on that occasion of the need for a vigorous and ongoing proclamation of the Gospel in our beloved but broken city which so much needs the healing power of Christ!

A set of miscellaneous notes:

+This Sunday I am offering a brief refresher for liturgical ministers after the 11:15 am Mass at St. Clement including lectors, sacristans, and ushers from that campus. Anyone hoping to get involved in one of these roles is welcome to attend.

+Next Sunday, October 29th I will offer a similar liturgical refresher at Holy Cross at 8:30 am, between the 7:30 am and 9:30 am Mass. Holy Cross campus lectors, ushers, EMHCs, and sacristans are all encouraged to attend. Again, this is a perfect occasion for those looking to get involved.

+ Thank you for your warm welcome to the group of pilgrims upon our return from Poland! Please join us at Holy Cross for the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday, November 5 for a special ‘Pilgrimage Mass’ which will include a chance to venerate the newly received relics of St. Faustina Kowalska and St. Maximilian Kolbe. After Mass there will be hospitality during which we will share a brief recap of the pilgrimage and some gifts we have brought back.

Grace and peace,

-Fr. Howe


