Art-A-Whirl at St Clement’s – Join us!

The Catholic Church has a long tradition of supporting and nurturing the arts. Our beautiful churches on the Holy Cross campus are certainly an example of this. Art has flourished throughout Christian history starting in earliest years (think anonymous painters of fish and sheep) to later years such as the magnificent Renaissance period (think Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel).

The Church reaffirmed the importance of the arts during the Second Vatican Council and again in Pope St. John Paul II’s letter to artists. Pope St. John Paul II quotes the Second Vatican Council letter to artists when he writes “This world—they said—in which we live needs beauty in order not to sink into despair. Beauty, like truth, brings joy to the human heart and is that precious fruit which resists the erosion of time, which unites generations and enables them to be one in admiration”.

This beauty comes through the hands and inspiration of artists. The artist is part of a faith-filled effort to evangelize the world with their artistic gifts. Pope St. John Paul II writes that "The purpose of art is nothing less than the upliftment of the human spirit." How does the artist do this? Pope St. John Paul II writes “Art has a unique capacity to take one or other facet of the message and translate it into colors, shapes and sounds which nourish the intuition of those who look or listen.”

Pope Francis, also a proponent of the arts, recently spoke of the healing nature of art. He stressed that “The world needs artists”, because “art, and religious art in particular, can bring a message of mercy, compassion and encouragement not only to believers, but also to those who doubt, who feel lost, unsure or possibly alone". Art "speaks to the soul."

Knowing the importance of art in our faith, we are honored to host Art-AWhirl® at the St. Clement campus. There will be 16 Catholic artists exhibiting and selling their work the weekend of May 17-19th. The space will be bursting with paintings, ceramics, jewelry, woodworking, traditional Polish art, stone sculpture, and fiber art.

In addition to the art, there will be a Polish happy hour on Friday night featuring locally made pierogi, beer, wine and a live concertina music. Chef Lucas' food truck will be on-site Saturday serving pizza, with other food options in the St. Clement basement. A jazz guitar duet will perform on Saturday. Sunday's menu will include doughnuts and Karol Coffee (as well as snacks) after 11:15 am mass. Dr. Sam Backman will provide the music on Sunday. All weekend there will be church tours and an antique vestment and icon display set up in the sanctuary of the church. Pope John Paul II school will host a make-it take-it art table for young and old.

Art-A-Whirl® is the largest annual open studio tour in the country. Over 1,300 NEMAA member artists, galleries, and businesses participate across Northeast Minneapolis at over 100 locations. Art-A-Whirl® is a fantastic way to connect with artists in their own spaces (and host sites like St. Clement's), enjoy demonstrations and interactive activities, listen to live music, and enjoy local restaurants and breweries. Art-A-Whirl® is FREE and open to the public.

We look forward to seeing you at St. Clement – Join us!

Mary Henseler (Artist Coordinator) and Mary-Clare Bates (St. Clement Art-A-Whirl Coordinator)


