Summer typically brings a slow down in Church work, but this summer has been an exception. The tempo has not relented as new team members have joined Holy Cross, new events are planned and critical maintenance tasks are accomplished.

This fall will kick off with SeptemberFest occurring on the second weekend in September 13-15. This year will feature a slight change to the event that some of you may have noticed. Saturday afternoon will feature “family” themed events and activities. Bingo has also made a return to SeptemberFest! Missing from Saturday afternoon will be live music so that families have an opportunity to meet and socialize. I am encouraging everyone to come out for the family afternoon, stay for Mass, then grab some impressive Polish food Saturday evening.

Another change is that the silent auction will be in person and not online this year. We are expanding the offerings, and it should be a big hit. The Craft Group will be downstairs in Kolbe Hall next to the Rummage Sale. Be sure to check them out. Theme Baskets will be under the tent again for your perusal.

Also on the agenda for autumn is a Blue Mass. Some may wonder what that is. A Blue Mass is a Mass that is celebrated to pray for those who serve our community in a public safety capacity. This typically happens on September 29th, the feast of St. Michael the Archangel. The Blue Mass at Holy Cross will be at 4:30 on September 28th, the vigil of Michaelmas. We have invited Minneapolis Fire, Police and EMTs to join us for Mass and then dinner in Kolbe Hall. You are also invited to attend. Brief remarks will be shared at the dinner by Archbishop Hebda in appreciation of Fr. Terry Hayes’ many years of service to the Minneapolis Police Department. Please RSVP using the link on the Holy Cross website.

In November we will have two offerings of a seminar titled Preparing for Heaven. One will be at St. Hedwig during the day and the other at Holy Cross in the evening. I recommend attending these. More information will be coming soon. Having been through several end-of-life discussions myself, I know it can be a complicated process and these seminars should help with the multitude of details that must be addressed.

This fall two ad hoc working committees will begin meeting. The first is to engage with John Paul II School / Ascension Academy in the hopes of getting a formal lease completed. There has not been a lease in almost 10 years, and this is a necessary step for the Parish and the School. Another group will begin to discuss a Campus Master Plan. (inclusive of Holy Cross, St. Hedwig & St. Clement). Parishioners will be heavily consulted in this process as we identify our current buildings in terms of maintenance needs, use, and required capital. It’s no secret that our parish has many buildings that need investment. The key question is if these expenditures in buildings help move Holy Cross forward in achieving its Mission and Vision. Our parish & vision and our pillars of focus will be shared with the whole parish this fall. Our Pastoral Planning Process has already born some good fruit! Thank you for your continued support and engagement in the life of our parish!

Matt Springer, Director of Finance & Operations


The Great Adventure of Discovery


“Renewed in Hope”