“Take away the stone. . . Untie him and let him go” (John 11: 39. 44)
Mother Church dedicated the month of November to special prayers for the faithful departed. Praying in a particular way for our brothers and sisters in faith who have gone before us, as an act of charity to the suffering Church, the souls in purgatory. Mother Church, however, in communion with the Saints, the triumphant church has never failed to pray for her suffering church, the souls in purgatory.
In every sacrifice of the Mass, the Church prays that God remembers our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in his mercy and that he may welcome them into the light of his face (cf. Eucharistic prayer II). The Church also prays that the merciful Lord remembers “his servants who have gone before us with the sign of faith and rest in the sleep of peace” and that he may “grant to all who sleep in Christ a place of refreshment, light, and peace” (cf. Roman Canon). The Church further, prays that our departed brother and sisters that through the mercy of God they may be give a kind admittance to his Kingdom where, the pilgrim church on earth hopes to enjoy forever the fullness of God’s glory (Eucharistic prayer III). This is the faith of the Church when she daily prays for her faithful departed. With living hope she invites us and allocates to us this month so that, we pray and intercede for our brothers and sisters, who due to human weakness and frailty have fallen short of God’s glory and are temporarily deprived of the beatific vision of God in eternity.
November is a month filled with an opportunity to actively respond to Christ’s command that like his disciples, friends, and audience at the raising of Lazarus must “take away the stone” through prayers, fasting, and other acts of charity so that our ‘Lazarus’s’ may come out from the ‘tomb of purgatory’ and be welcomed to heaven, “into the fullness of God’s glory”. For us, November holds a special significance, a time during which we show our attentive love and kindness and communion with the suffering church, as we share in the saving work of Christ, as he calls them from their bondage, we “untie them and let them go” we capacitate them to see the light of the Lord’s face and adore the true and living God, we “untie them and let them go” to join the brothers and sister who already occupy their seats at the heavenly banquet, the heavenly feast of the Lamb. In this month, we enable and facilitate their path to a place of refreshment, illumination, and serenity, where they can relish their welcome and embrace in the company of the Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mary, the Mother of the Church, alongside St. Joseph, the Holy Apostles, the Holy Angels, the Martyrs, and All the Saints.
Although eight days given for special indulgences have already passed since November 1st to 8th, it is still important throughout the month to keep our brothers and sisters in mind and heart through prayer, offering Masses for them, fasting and doing other acts of charity in atonement for their sins, hoping in faith that through God’s love and knowing that he is a merciful judge would free them and “grant them eternal rest, let perpetual light shine upon them and rest in peace, amen”.
“O God, glory of the faithful and life of the just, look mercifully on your departed servants that, just as they professed the mystery of the resurrection, so they merit to receive the joys of eternal happiness”. Amen.
~Fr. Justus