We can now say that it is officially “late August.” As a child, it use to fill me with a silly sense of (maybe overly dramatic) dread when I’d hear those “back to school” commercials. However, as an adult, I tend to view this time of year in a more positive light.

The Holy Cross Choir Season Resumes After Labor Day

After a summer hiatus, our choral program will reboot with rehearsal on Thursday, September 7, and choirs will begin singing at the 9:30 Sunday Masses on September 10. While I am truly grateful for the immense talent and dedication of this group, I am especially grateful for the warm and friendly dynamic of the group. As such, it is my hope to welcome some new voices this fall—a hope which has already been fulfilled by a few new names added to the roster. At the risk of sounding greedy, I’ll confess that I’d like to recruit a few more. Please talk to me if you are interested in joining!

Fall Concert Series

While music ministry at Holy Cross is primarily oriented toward the worship of God in the context of liturgy, we also strive to be a cultural beacon for sacred music in the city. For many years, the church has used the beauty of music and the visual arts to draw in and enrapture souls that might otherwise have no interest in entering a church building.

Furthermore, for parishioners, it is my hope that these concerts—all of which are sacred in nature—allow us to experience God’s majesty through a new lens. Most of the events we will put on are free of charge, and we have sought to keep ticket costs low for those events which are ticketed. Please do consider attending these events and bringing your friends and family!

An Update on the Holy Cross Organ

Pipe organs are much like cars: they have many moving parts working together, and over time, these parts eventually become worn out. The blower motor that has faithfully supplied wind to this instrument since 1958 has reached the end of its usable life. Every time I walk into the loft for a funeral, wedding, or Mass, I do so knowing that the organ may or may not power up successfully. To say that we got our money’s worth out of this blower is an understatement, and it is quite uncommon for a blower to remain in constant use for 65 years.

In the early summer, we ordered a new blower for the organ, but in true fashion of the 2023 supply chain, there is still some uncertainty as to when it will arrive. In the meantime, we have been working with the very competent organ technicians from R.W. Draeger & Co to prepare for the installation and regulation of a new motor. In addition, while we wait for the blower to arrive, we are undertaking a much need renovation of the organ’s reservoir—which essentially is the “lung” of the organ.

As this work is being carried out, the Holy Cross organ will be inoperable. As such, we are renting a temporary, modest electronic organ that will be located in the rear of the church, near the Saint Francis altar. While it would be ideal to place this temporary organ in the loft, there is not sufficient space to accommodate this setup. Thank you in advance for your patience with us as we navigate this project.

I am thankful that this project is being undertaken, as the organ is a key part of our parish’s heritage. Some parts of this instrument date back to 1908, that is, even before the existence of the current church building. Like our building, the organ is part of our legacy that requires routine maintenance and periodic projects. In the same way that we expect a roof will need to be replaced periodically, we must be aware that components of the pipe organ will need to be replaced after years of regular usage. Fortunately, our current annual budget includes the funds needed to complete this project. However, while the blower demands urgent attention, there are other components of the instrument that will need to be addressed in near future. We will you posted, and it is our desire that this instrument would aid us in the right worship of God for generations to come.

~Sam Backman, Director of Sacred Music


